Before you begin, please review the required documents listed below.
*Once you click on the appropriate link below, please choose from the dropdown the school year you are registering for:
24-25 – Current School Year Enrollment
25-26 – Upcoming Fall Enrollment
Online Registration Form For EXISTING Families In The District – Click Here
online registration form For NEW Families – Click Here
Required forms and information for specific grades:
The online registration form must be completed by the student’s parent or legal guardian in order to enroll your student at Southeast Polk. Proof of legal guardianship needs to be provided in order to enroll the student. Please bring the following information with you to your appointment.
Proof of age is required for all new students to the Southeast Polk Community School District. In Iowa, a child must be five years old on or before September 15 of the year he or she starts school in order to enroll in kindergarten. Proof of age is requested at Kindergarten Roundup and required prior to the start of school. For students in grades one through 12, proof is also required before your child can start attending school. Several options are acceptable:
If custody is of other means than divorce, the Guardianship and Custodial papers must have an assignment of tuition. This is handled through the courts, so please contact your attorney for assistance.
If you are new to our district, please be prepared to provide proof of residency showing your name and district address in any of the following forms. Please provide the appropriate documentation to the Registrar prior to your student’s first day of school at Southeast Polk. Failure to do so may delay your student’s enrollment at Southeast Polk. A post office box is NOT an acceptable address for the purpose of determining residency. The only district-approved documents that are accepted for proof of residency include:
Falsification of any information or document required for residency verification or the use of the address of another person without actually residing there may result in:
To request a transcript or other educational records, complete the required form and fax to 515.957.5171 Or, email hs_registrar@southeastpolk.org with Transcript Request in the subject line. Processing can take up to 3 business days, plus delivery time.
Transcript Request Form
Wondering which elementary school your child will attend at Southeast Polk Community School District for the current school year? Look through our attendance area maps.
Transfer request waiver
Please follow the links for board policies 501-14 and 501-15 regarding open enrollment. The deadline for applying for open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year for grades 1-12 is March 1, 2025. The deadline for kindergarten is September 1, 2025. Follow this link for information on open enrollment Contact Karen Haines at open_enrollment@southeastpolk.org
Please follow this link to learn more about Private Instruction options
The RAMS Unite page offers a unified location for Southeast Polk community students and families who are in need to find resources that will help support and ensure their success.
If you have questions regarding registration, please contact your building or the District Registrar.
If you need an interpreter to assist with the registration process, please complete this form: Interpreter Request Form