Southeast Polk High School is pleased to announce the achievement of Level 1 certification in Marzano High Reliability Schools™. Level 1 certification means Southeast Polk High School has created a “Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture,” which is the foundation for every level that follows. Without such a culture, student achievement will be compromised. Day-to-day school operations are addressed and evaluated in Level 1. Southeast Polk is the third high school in the state of Iowa to receive Marzano certification as a Level 1 High Reliability School.
Stephen Pettit, High School Principal shared, “Creating a safe and collaborative school environment will always be a top priority at Southeast Polk High School. While we are proud of the work towards a level 1 certification, our goal is to continuously improve in these areas.”
The high reliability school (HRS) program was created by Marzano Resources to help transform schools into organizations that take proactive steps to ensure student success. The next steps in the process of moving to level two certification will be a focus on effective teaching in every classroom at the high school. It will begin with an internal audit followed by collecting feedback from parents, students, and all high school staff. We plan to send surveys out in the early spring.
“The perceptions of our stakeholders are very important. These will help guide our continuous improvement in the areas of teaching and learning,” shared Pettit.
Using the HRS framework and indicators, schools can drive sustained, positive, and significant impacts on student achievement. This process allows us to focus our improvement efforts in the areas that matter most.