As a District, we have agreed upon core values.  Student safety is our number one priority. We take this very seriously and address it from many angles.  Whether that is the physical/structural design of our buildings, our District Readiness and Emergency Management plan that has been developed and vetted by local law enforcement as well as national experts, our counseling and at-risk programming that helps to identify and address student needs early as they emerge, our positive working relationship with local law enforcement including 2 SRO’s on campus, or the everyday policies and practices designed to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment – student safety is our constant focal point.

In order to sustain this safe learning environment, we all have a role. If you or your student see something out of the ordinary or concerning, say something to someone involved.  Report things to your teacher, or principal, or local law enforcement officials.

Working collaboratively, we are all up to the task of keeping a safe learning environment at Southeast Polk. Together we can continue to keep the focus on student learning and growth.


Dirk Halupnik, Ed.D