Private instruction means instruction using a plan and a course of study in a setting other than a public or organized accredited nonpublic school. Iowa Code section 299A.1 (2) (c). It includes competent private instruction (by a licensed practitioner or a non-licensed person), independent private instruction, home school assistance programs, and non-accredited nonpublic schools.
Southeast Polk Homeschool Assistance Program
Private Instruction
Competent Private Instruction (CPI) is private instruction provided on a daily basis for at least one hundred forty-eight days during a school year, to be met by attendance for at least thirty-seven days each school quarter, by or under the supervision of a licensed practitioner in the manner provided under Iowa Code section 299A.2 and this chapter, or other person under Iowa Code section 299A.3 and this chapter, which results in the student making adequate progress. The CPI category includes home schooled children who are not enrolled in independent private instruction and those in non-accredited nonpublic “schools.” 281-IAC chapter 31.
Option 1: Private Instruction under the supervision of a licensed practitioner
Under Option 1 a parent, guardian, or legal or actual custodian simply completes the report of Competent Private Instruction (Form A- available from the district of residence) and returns it to the resident district by September 1 or within 14 days of commencing CPl.
NOTE: However, if a child has been identified as requiring special education programs or services, prior written approval must be obtained from the special education director of the Area Education Agency (AEA) in which the child resides before the child may be home schooled or enrolled in a non-accredited nonpublic “school.” This consent is not required if the parent, guardian, legal, or actual custodian does not consent to initial evaluation or to re-evaluation of the child for receipt of special education services or programs. Iowa Code sections 299.4, 299A.9; 281-IAC rules 31.5(1) (f), 31.10.
Option 2: Private Instruction by a non-licensed person
Under Option 2 a parent, guardian, or legal or actual custodian may meet, but is not required to meet, all of the following requirements:
A parent, guardian, or legal or actual custodian who chooses Option 2 with no reporting under the private instruction exemption relinquishes the ability to dual enroll for academics, extracurricular activities, or special education services. Dual enrollment requires compliance with the reporting requirements of Iowa Code section 299.4 and the assessment requirements of 299A.4. A parent who dual enrolls for academics, athletics, or special education services relinquishes the option to utilize the private instruction exemption and must complete Form A.
A parent, guardian, or legal or actual custodian who chooses Option 2 and chooses not to report to the district may wish to provide the district notice of the decision to use the private instruction exemption. Doing so will create a presumption that a child of compulsory attendance age is in compliance with the compulsory attendance requirements of Iowa Code Chapter 299.
NOTE, however, if a child has been identified as requiring special education programs or services, prior written approval must be obtained from the special education director of the Area Education Agency (AEA) in which the child resides before the child may be home schooled or enrolled in a non-accredited nonpublic “school.” This consent is not required if the parent, guardian, legal, or actual custodian does not consent to initial evaluation or to re-evaluation of the child for receipt of special education services or programs. Iowa Code sections 299.4, 299A .9;281-IAC rules 31.5(f),31.10.
Independent Private Instruction (IPI)
Independent Private Instruction (IPI) means instruction that meets the following criteria: Parents using the new Independent Private Instruction (IPI) option are not required to file a Form A.
If you have any questions in regards to this form, please contact Jo Ellen Latham Director of Curriculum and Instruction at | (515) 957-3407, Ext. 1010 or Brittany Kunz at | (515) 967-4294, Ext. 1011.