Southeast Polk Booster Club

The Booster Club is a dues-supported organization formed to support activities and athletics at Southeast Polk Community School District.   Meetings of the organization are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the multi-purpose room adjacent to the Commons at SEP High School.

Online Booster Club Membership Application 

2024-2025 Booster Club Membership Form

Booster Club Online Store 

Booster Club Officers

Kari Ford
Club President

Club Vice President
Mark Whinery
Elissa Ladurini
Charley Bogwill
Membership Chair
Jess Braunschweig-Norris & Susan Whinery
Social Media Co-Chairs
Mary Gaffney
Spirit Gear Chair
Jayson Campbell
SEP Activities Director