Students, Parents, and Guardians:

Tomorrow is the first day of school, and this is going to be a great year at Southeast Polk High School. If you haven’t done so already, please review the information that was sent in Monday’ email (also found here).

MTSS will officially begin on Thursday, August 29. During the first three days of school, students can utilize the MTSS time within the schedule to orient themselves to the building and their schedules. As a reminder, students are not allowed to wait in the parking lots at any time. Students must enter the building when they arrive on campus. We will be serving breakfast from 7:00-8:05am, and first period will begin at 8:15am.

Students who arrive after the start of school will need to scan into the building using their school ID. We have included additional information about attendance and our new scanning protocols  here.

Cell phones have also been a hot topic in school districts across the nation as we prepare for the new school year. We have revised our high school cell phone policy and are working to increasing student engagement. More information regarding our approach to cell phones can be found here.

Lastly, the secondary bus routes have been overhauled with the onboarding of the Middle School. Information regarding the secondary bus plan can be found here. High school bus riders must board their assigned transfer bus after school and ride to the Yellow Brick Road by the Junior High (students cannot walk to this location).

This is going to be a great year at Southeast Polk High School! Please let us know if you need any assistance.

Take care,

Stephen A. Pettit
Principal, Southeast Polk High School