An email sent to all SEP Juniors/Seniors
After careful consideration and much discussion, we have decided to cancel the Southeast Polk Prom and Post-Prom which was originally scheduled for April 18. We have consulted with all other CIML schools, and all schools made the same decision. The social distancing challenges associated with a Prom and Post-Prom are insurmountable.
While this is sad news, the Southeast Polk Post-Prom committee has continued to raise funds and organize a prize giveaway for all juniors and seniors. This group of committed parents will be giving away 100 prizes, and all SEP juniors and seniors are eligible to win. We will have a live drawing for these prizes at 6:30pm on Sunday, June 14, and this will be viewable on Facebook (@seppostprom), Instagram (@seppostprom), and Twitter (@SEPProm).
All gift cards will be mailed out to students on Monday, June 15. Larger items will not be delivered to students, and these will be available for pick up on Tuesday, June 16 from 8:00am – 3:00pm in the High School main office.
Please tune in to one of the social media platforms on Sunday!
Take care,
Mr. Pettit